

《 古典風家具 Dutchbone,將古典風格與現代設計融合》

Dutchbone 古典風家具
古典風家具 Dutchbone成立於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹為 進口家具Zuiver 旗下子品牌,專注於開發與設計家具,藉由旅行續發現全新的設計靈感,將古老的古典風格延續至現代家具,注入全新時尚設計理念,經過純手工與先進工業融合,演繹出現代與古典全新火花韻味,古典風家具沉靜穩重的氣息,為居家環境增添一抹懷舊經典空間感

Dutchbone is a dynamic label focused on development, import and wholesale of global inspired products.
Travelling to other countries, gathering inspiration from different cultures and paying homage to craftsmanship both past and present.
Dutchbone delivers truly unique interior pieces made to capture a moment in time. Dutchbone, your choice for inspired living!




《利用 古典風家具 營造懷舊空間感,展現獨特生活格調》

Dutchbone 古典風家具 推薦
古典風家具 致力於將世界各地傳統元素融合,家具設計充滿異國風味情調,彷彿闡述悠久的歷史故事,將舊靈魂注入家具、燈飾、單椅、地毯、茶几中,豪華又充滿古典美學理念,仍保有現代風格極簡實用功能性,創造家具價格平價的獨特設計,讓生活提升格調、豐富多元居家風格。

The Dutchbone headquarters are located in the beautiful area of Westzaan. A region with a rich history. Pittoresque and typical Dutch wooden houses together in the meadows of the Zaanstreek,
that is the hometown of our Dutchbone team.

We would love to show you what treasures we have gathered for the Dutchbone collection. You are most welcome to visit our showroom!





《FLAIR LOUNGE CHAIR古典風單椅,感受宛若身處舊閣樓中的 古典風家具 》

Dutchbone 古典風家具 單椅

古典風家具 FLAIR LOUNGE CHAIR單椅設計靈感源自於日本專業整理顧問Marie Kondo書籍後,決定清理老舊雜亂的閣樓,當中發現許多奇妙古老物品,如舊唱片機與奶奶的舊扶手椅,因此創造出FLAIR LOUNGE CHAIR單椅,懷舊可愛彷彿小裙子下擺造型,結合現代潮流現行椅背,外觀優雅休閒,完美符合精緻時尚古典潮流家具

Dutchbone 古典風單椅推薦


We come across some of our Dutchbone products on our travels abroad. After buying them we add them to our collection straight away, just as they are. Other items are far more time-consuming, especially if we design them ourselves. Our new Flair is a good example of an armchair that was born on the drawing board. The whole process took well over a year to complete, but now we can present her to you at last! So with no further ado and lots of Dutchbone applause we hereby present you with The story of Flair!





《SIDE TABLE ALIM SET古典風茶几,兼具時尚與實用功能性》

Dutchbone 古典風家具 茶几

Dutchbone 古典風茶几推薦




《CARPET CARVE古典風地毯,體現居家大氣豪華韻味》
進口地毯價格$16,500Dutchbone 古典風地毯

CARPET CARVE古典風地毯迷人的秘密在於,由不同色彩線條組成的細膩紋理,提供兩種色彩供選擇搭配,經過熟捻地毯工藝工匠生產而成,美麗豪華的外觀,體現居家大氣優雅風格韻味。Dutchbone 古典風地毯推薦





《DESK LAMP FALCON古典風燈飾,猶如獵鷹般的野生霸氣息》

Dutchbone 古典風燈飾

Dutchbone 古典風燈飾推薦








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